HTML Using the Least Amount of JavaScript Applying minimal JavaScript by resorting to less than standard ways of doing things.
HTML Rediscovering the Joy in Coding Going back to basics by putting aside the typical frameworks and making my own rules.
JavaScript Scrollable Container Controls with React Hooks Revisiting some old code to convert it to using hooks.
JavaScript Vue Data Table Exploring how to tackle a data table in Vue without relying on third-party solutions.
JavaScript Coping with Bad Dates Deriving multiple date ranges from a single one when presented with unavailable dates.
JavaScript DraftJS: Mentions Plugin with Scrolling and Keyboard Navigation Solving the problem of a scrolling results list with the DraftJS mentions plugin.
JavaScript Text Selection Particle Effects Creating particle effects based on text selection using the Web Animations API.
JavaScript Building an Appreciation System Using Google Sheets as a back-end, we can record likes on anything we want on a static site.
JavaScript Image Parallax and Blur with Tornis Using the Tornis library to create a parallax and blur effect on a cover image while scrolling.